Advice for Young People

Advice for Young People

Advice for Young People


Advice for Young People..

The truth of the matter is that you have a lot of potential like a child, but none of that is capable of manifesting itself as freedom before you become disciplined.

Discipline is a matter of the imposition of order. And the order is necessary, especially for people who are hopeless and nihilistic.

And what does it mean?

Well, it doesn't mean, jeez, I hate getting up at eight o'clock in the morning to get ready for work, that just means that you're not very disciplined, you know, or, or maybe that it might mean something deeper. But I'd start with lack of discipline before, you know, rearranging your whole life.

 Because you might say, well, I hate getting up at eight o'clock and morning, no matter what I'm doing, and then it's not your job. I don't mean, don't do difficult things. I mean, watch yourself. And if you see that you're doing things that make you hate yourself, then consider the cost of continuing. You know, if something's valuable, you'll make sacrifices to attain it.

That discovery of sacrifice, I think that's what separates you. And it's one of the primary factors separating human beings from animals. Because we discovered that we could let go of something we value in the present, and we would gain something we value even more in the future, lay a disciplinary structure on ourselves, get the chaos, in check, and then you can move towards a state that's freer. Because it's discipline first, like, Look, if you're going to become a concert pianist, there's going to be several 1000 hours of extraordinarily disciplined practice.

That's the imposition of order on your potential that says, what comes out of that is much grander freedom. And so in virtually every freedom that you have in life, that's true freedom is purchased at the price of discipline. But it's not some casual self-help doctrine, it's that if you don't organize yourself properly, you'll pay for it in a big way. And so will the people around you. And I would say, start where you can start, you know, if something announces itself to you, as in need of repair, that you could repair,  you fix 100, things like that your life will be a lot different.

Now, I often tell people to fix the things they repeat every day because people tend to think of those as trivial. You get up, you brush your teeth, you have your breakfast, you know, you have the routines that you go through every day. Well, those probably constitute 50% of your life. And people think, well, they're Monday and I don't need to pay attention to them. It's like, No, that's exactly wrong.

The things you do every day, are the most important things you do. Hands down. While there isn't anything better to have than a problem that's worth solving. Like that's really worth solving. Right? And so the more of that you take on the more you have a reason to get out of bed in the morning, no matter what. I'm getting up, I'm trudging forward, doesn't matter what I'm suffering from, I've got things that need to be done, they're necessary. And that gives you that sense of purpose that is the antidote to bitterness.

So, there are lots of reasons to you know, because I've thought for a long time, imagine that, imagine you have a choice in front of you because you do. So here's the choice. Your life, life is either meaningful or meaningless. Okay, so let's go through the meaningless part first. If you think well, of course, I don't want it to be meaningless.


on a second. Nothing you do matters. And so impulsive pleasures, the order of the day, no responsibility. That's you can do whatever you want. Like pleasure Island and Pinocchio. It's like Neverland. You're still a kid. You can play all the time, impulsive pleasure, and no responsibility. That's the reward for meaninglessness, but then the other side is okay let's say you want your life to be meaningful.

It's like then what you do matters. It actually matters, right? make mistake, hurts you, hurts family hurts the world in a deeper way than you think. And you have to be awake to that. And then you have to take it on yourself. So you're at a particular stage right now that stage would involve a particular worldview and the behaviors that go along with that. So the perceptions and behaviors, but it's not enough because you haven't mastered the whole world, and you're making mistakes all the time. And then there are other neurological mechanisms that a more left hemisphere phenomenon of the instantiation of that identity. there are right hemisphere mechanisms that are tracking your errors and sort of keeping track of them and the errors are an indication that your theory is incomplete. So it acute the errors accumulate and the information around the errors accumulate and another identity starts to become formulated.

it solves all the problems your previous identity did, but also some additional

and better and better. Let's click to know more information 

how to break a bad habit ,change bad habits

how to break a bad habit ,change bad habits

how to break a bad habit| stop bad habits |change bad habits
Bad habits interrupt your life and stop you from accomplishing your goals. And they waste your time and energy.
So why do numerous people have bad habits?
When you go to change a habit, you’re likely to fail. You might even get frustrated and give up.
When you break bad habits, you also learn the hard way. You get it wrong. You set up a bad habit. You see how good it feels to break it. You get so excited to break that bad habit that you can’t stop.
Bad habits stick around for many reasons. Some people just don’t want to do the work. It feels like they’re being lazy.
You might try to break bad habits without enough intensity and break a good habit in the process. This combination can give you bad habits all over again.
But the truth is, your body can break bad habits too. You just need the right tools.
How to Break Bad Habits
Breaking a bad habit requires a very specific action, which you might not feel comfortable doing right away. You need to take it slow and only do a little each day.

11 Ways to Break Bad Habits

1. Keep track

The first step in breaking a habit is increasing your awareness. To increase awareness, you need to keep track.
Make a mental note of how you feel, and make that a habit in the days that follow. That’s the first step. And it might not be that bad.
Write down how you feel when you break a bad habit. You might feel disappointed. You might feel an urge to binge. Or you might just feel more relaxed and motivated.
Keep track of how you feel. And then remember this feeling each time you see or try a bad habit.
If you don’t remember how you felt the first time you tried a bad habit, you’re more likely to break it. Because your body’s used to breaking bad habits. And the first time it does it, it makes it really serious.
Keep track of how you feel each time you break a bad habit. This will help you reset your subconscious mind to stop bad habits.
I’m learning this method. It’s helping me break bad habits quickly. I get on the wrong side of stress and reward myself with a bad habit I didn’t want in the first place.

2. Identify the trigger.
To stop the habit, identify the trigger. The trigger is the thing that makes you feel tempted to break the habit.
With the trigger, find something to replace the habit with.
The trigger can be the monetary gain of a bad habit. But this is often only a really small part of the matter . That’s not the whole problem.
The trigger will only make you break the bad habit more often, not break it every time you see it.
So find something that motivates you to break a bad habit. Then replace the habit with something that motivates you to break it every day.

3. Trick yourself into changing habits.
The next step is to trick your subconscious mind. I call these “healthy bad habits.”
This is a healthy habit that’s helpful. If you do a healthy habit, it’s challenging. But it’s not horrible. It can be easier than breaking bad habits.
If you break a habit, it’s usually awful. It feels bad at the moment. But it feels worse in the long term.
This means that if you break a bad habit, it might feel terrible for a couple of days, but in the end, you’ll break it because it’s healthy and good for you. It’s not because you want to do it.
This is the definition of a bad habit. You want to break a bad habit. But you don’t. You break it for the wrong reasons.
Don’t break a healthy habit for the wrong reasons. You want to change your bad habits.
Your habits should feel good at the moment. But you want to break them in the long-term because they’re bad.
If you break a bad habit, it feels horrible at the moment. But in the long-term, it feels horrible.

4.Leave yourself reminders.
Using stickers, sticky notes, or other visual reminders wherever the habit behavior happens can assist you rethink the action when something triggers you.
And if you have problems with motivation, perhaps visual reminders will help you have the motivation you need to break a bad habit.
The reminder is how you trick your mind into changing the habit.
Visual reminders work in two ways.
First, it can show you that something bad is happening when you want to break the bad habit. When your habit is healthy, it’s easy to forget about it. That’s the healthy habit trick.
But the healthy habit trick is a problem with bad habits. You can remember you're bad habits because you remember bad things. It’s much more difficult to remember healthy habits.
It only works in very small things. So make it easy to remember. Otherwise, it might become a pain, and you won’t do it.
Second, visual reminders can force you to make changes when your motivation is low. If you’re tempted to break a bad habit, the visual reminder is a reminder of the desire to break it.

5.Make unrelated good decisions.
“Confidence” is that the ability to stay promises to yourself. Mind-blow, right? But it’s not the easy answer.
In our goal-setting books, we talk about successful habits, which we define as related to good decisions. Making good decisions is the easiest thing to do.
You’re not trying to decide what to do every day. You’re trying to decide what to do when you want to make a change.
Every successful change is related to a related good decision.
That’s why you need to break your bad habits and make your unrelated good habits.
When you make a habit-related good decision, you’re making a decision unrelated to your bad habit. You’re forcing yourself to make an unrelated good decision, and that’s how you break bad habits.
These are good decisions. They’re unrelated to your bad habit.

6. Use a journal to track your decisions.

We’re in the habit process to break bad habits. But it’s not the sole thing we'd like to try to do.
You have to do other things, like breaking your bad habits. But your journal can also help you track other things, too.

7.Change your environment.
Your surroundings can sometimes have an enormous impact on your habits.
For example, if you always eat with the TV on and play video games when you want to break a bad habit, it can be hard. And it won’t work.
Let’s look at an example: breaking a bad habit.
Sometimes you have a bad habit because it feels like a bad habit. When you’re trying to break a bad habit, a bad environment is a bad thing.
But sometimes you can change your environment to become more like a healthy habit. That’s how you break your bad habits and make unrelated good decisions.
For example, when you’re trying to break a bad habit, you might need to change your environment. If you have an unhealthy habit, like smoking, you might find it helpful to change the environment around your habits.

8.Start fresh regularly.
When you skip a workout, binge bad foods, stay awake too late, or scroll through Instagram too long, it doesn’t cause you to bad; it causes you to human. Being human means having habits. It means having bad habits.
But sometimes you might want to start fresh. You want to start fresh with a new lifestyle. You want to break a bad habit and make unrelated good decisions.
If you’re trying to break a bad habit, take it one step at a time.
That’s one way to break bad habits.
Start fresh at the beginning of every day, and do a new set of unrelated good decisions.

9.Know that you don’t have to do it alone
You might have success breaking some habits, like buying lunch a day or skipping the gym, on your own, with a touch of effort and dedication.
But if you would like to deal with deeper habits, like emotional eating, compulsions, alcohol misuse, or addiction, the support of a trained psychological state professional can make a world of difference.
Working through these issues alone is often tough, and a therapist or counselor offers guidance and support.

A mental health professional can help you:
identify changes you want to make
explore anything blocking you from change
identify your motivations for change
get perspective on your progress
learn how to counter and deal with negative self-talk

“The accountability of meeting with someone regularly can also provide a structure that supports the changes you’ve made,” Myers concluded.
It might not appear to be it at the instant, but over time, your new habits will become established in your lifestyle. Soon enough, they'll even feel as natural as your old habits.

What are the keys to success ,Why Failure Is A Part Of Success

What are the keys to success ,Why Failure Is A Part Of Success

What are the keys to success|Why Failure Is A Part Of Success

Key to success

1.Focus on commitment, not motivation. If you struggle with motivation but still want to succeed in business, you must focus on committing. Most people’s motivation goes away as they get frustrated, which then causes them to be off course. Goals and productivity aren’t about finding the energy. Focus on solving the problems. Then find energy and motivation to get better at what you do.

2.Seek knowledge, not results.
This is where a huge difference in business comes from. Motivation is derived from wanting to do better and do more. If you’re following a business plan, you’re proving to yourself you can get better results. You’re also validating the value of what you’re doing. It’s a recipe for success. But it’s a huge drain on your energy. You need to seek knowledge as much as you do results. If you’re focused on the results, you’ll be working as much as you’re seeking. And you won’t be prepared for what comes next. You’ll set your goals for a month, gain motivation for a few weeks, and then lose motivation. In order to sustain your success, you must focus on the learning and growth you’re seeking. You’ll be motivated as you get better at what you do.

3.Make the journey fun.
A lot of people start businesses because they’re good at what they do. But not everyone has fun. With so much competition, there’s a big risk in a business that’s just done well. But if you’re looking for a fun business, you’ll be better prepared for the growth you seek. Staying motivated isn’t easy. But you can experience the joy of becoming successful without losing the motivation you have to learn and grow. Make your journey fun. Enjoy the journey. Find the fun. Enjoy the process. Find what gets you excited. You’ll have more energy and motivation than if you’re working on the process itself. 

4.Get rid of stagnating thoughts.
According to Panno, when you look in the mirror, you’re looking at yourself. When you think about someone else, you’re looking at what they can do. If you want to become successful, you must focus on what you can do. If you’re struggling, you must look within. If you don’t feel motivated, look within. We all feel a certain level of motivation. That motivation disappears when we’re stuck with stagnating thoughts. If you’re not being challenged, you feel you’re stuck. And that’s the worst position to be in. You have to understand what’s motivating you. You’ll be much more successful in creating a business that’s different from the rest if you understand what’s motivating you and remove those feelings. Ignoring your inspiration isn’t going to help you. You’re motivated to do more, succeed in more business, and enjoy more success. And, if you understand your motivation, you’ll have the confidence to do it. You won’t feel stuck anymore.

5.Use your imagination. It’s an amazing power. Your imagination can get you motivated to do the things you want. If you want to learn something new, take a small break from your business and make something up in your mind. Then make it real. If you want to improve your performance, don’t do what you’ve always done. Create a new business plan. Start a new way of working. You can change the world. But you have to start where you are. You don’t have to know everything. You can change the world. Your goal isn’t to know everything. Your goal is to be the best you can be. You’re creating your business to become a leader. If you want to become a leader, you have to imagine what the world is going to look like once you’re successful. That’s the place you start. If you’re looking for a business that’s motivated and successful, you’ll be more successful if you use your imagination to imagine the next step.

6.Take action. 
You can’t change your feelings of motivation. But you can start working on your goal and start taking action. If you can’t make a specific business plan, write down what you know you need to do to succeed. Then start taking steps. Those steps will help build momentum. That momentum can get you focused. It can get you more motivated. And, as you get better at what you do, you’ll be less intimidated by the obstacles you face. Taking action also gives you a structure. You’ll know you have to start moving. That helps you make the right decision to start working on your goal. Take action. Do something. Nothing is as bad as getting stuck and not doing anything. It can drag you down. But taking action can lead to your goals becoming your reality. 

7.Stop being nice to yourself.
You don’t want to get stuck with low self-esteem. It’s much easier to have low self-esteem when you’re self-employed. People see you differently. It’s not as common for them to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. As a self-employed person, you have to live up to your success. You have to know you’re doing the best you can. That’s important to having confidence. But, when you don’t respect yourself, you can’t be confident. So, be critical of yourself. If you feel like you’re doing the best you can and there’s room for improvement, you can be confident. But, you can’t accept yourself. That’s bad for your business. It will give you low self-esteem. You have to build self-confidence to create a successful business. If you’re working on your business, respect your process. When you’re starting a business, there are many different ways to do it. Learn what works. Learn the answers to the questions. And then do it. If you start doing things the wrong way, you won’t get to where you want to go. You won’t know how to improve your business. 

8.Get rid of distractions.
Think of distractions as your biggest enemy. If you want to be successful, you have to take control of your time. There’s a difference between working on your business and working on other things. Work on other things when you’re in a good mood. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time. Working on other things is how you spend your time. It’s the things you do when you feel like it. That’s what distracts you from working on your business. If you get caught up on other things, you can’t do what you need to do for your business. When you’re working on your business, you should be focused on the work. You have to find ways to shut down distractions. You can do that by giving yourself boundaries. Don’t work on your business until you’re in the mood to do it. To shut down distractions, you have to have time for what’s important. You have to work when you’re in the mood. As you get more of that time, you’ll be more successful.

9.Don’t rely on others.
You have to take control of your schedule. That’s how you determine your success. You have to decide what’s important. You have to prioritize what’s important. And, as you do that, you can make your business successful. You have to have control of your time. That’s how you decide what’s important. But, in order to do that, you have to have self-control. You can’t let other people run your business. That means you have to know what your business needs and what it’s going to take to make it successful. You also have to know when you’re working on things that aren’t going to help you reach your goals. So, take control of your time. What’s the difference between working on something that’s going to make your business succeed and working on things that are going to derail your goals? 

10.Good Plan.
Good planning is important. If you don’t have a plan, you won’t be successful. And, it’s important for your business to have a plan. That’s the only way to succeed. Think about what the challenges are for your business. Make a plan. Write it down. Read it. Put it in front of you. Take control of your time. Decide what the biggest problems are. Find ways to solve them. And, make it a good plan. You have to make sure you have everything planned. This will help you get to the point where you’re successful. You have to take control of your time. Don’t get distracted. Get into the plan. You have to know what you’re going to do every day, every week, and every month. Get to the point where you’re working on what’s important. -redeployment, make sure your business has a good plan. Create a plan. Work on your plan. Put in place your plan. Make it a good plan. 

11.Protect yourself from burnout.
Working on your business requires a lot of energy. You need to get to the point where you’re working on what’s important. That’s when you can reach your goals. To make sure you work on what’s important, you have to do three things. Protect yourself from burnout. Learn new skills. Spend time learning new skills. Take advantage of other people. If you work on your business, you’re not going to be working on things that aren’t important to your business. You have to protect yourself from burning out. If you don’t protect yourself from burnout, you’ll get burned out. If you’re in a good mood, you’ll feel like you can work all day. You can work more. But, if you’re in a bad mood, you can work less. You can’t spend as much time on what’s important. That’s what’s going to happen if you don’t protect yourself from burnout. So, protect yourself from burnout. Learn new skills. Spend time learning other things. And, take advantage of other people. Good plan. Protect yourself. Learn new things. Take advantage of other people. -make sure your business has a good plan.